Dark Planetoid

Science, Art, Technology and Culture

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Reality Mining

The Reality Mining experiment uses machine learning and mobile phones to model social networks.
Our research agenda takes advantage of the increasingly widespread use of mobile phones to provide insight into the dynamics of both individual and group behavior. By leveraging recent advances in machine learning we are building generative models that can be used to predict what a single user will do next, as well as model behavior of large organizations. . .

How do incoming students' social networks evolve over time?
How entropic (predictable) are most people's lives?
Can the topology of a social network be inferred from only proximity data?
How can we change a group's interactions to promote better functioning?

If you have a Symbian Series 60 Phone (such as the Nokia 6600) with a data plan, you can participate. Download the application here.


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