Dark Planetoid

Science, Art, Technology and Culture

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Human/Machine Anomalies

Can human consciousness influence the outcome of random experiments?

Researchers at Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR), have found significant deviations from chance expectations in random experiments, where human operators try to influence the outcome.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Wiring the Brain at the Nanoscale

Nanowires in blood vessels may help monitor, stimulate neurons in the brain

Neuroscientist Rudolfo Llinas and his colleagues envision an entire array of nanowires being connected to a catheter tube, which could then be guided through the circulatory system to the brain. Once there, the nanowires would spread into a kind of bouquet, branching out into tinier and tinier blood vessels until they reached specific locations. Each nanowire would then be used to record the electrical activity of a single nerve cells, or small groups of nerve cells.

Courtesy: National Science Foundation